Availability – funded by governments, education is universal, free and



  • Availability – funded by governments, education is universal, free and compulsory. There should be proper infrastructure and facilities in place with adequate books and materials for students. Buildings should meet both safety and sanitation standards, such as having clean drinking water. Active recruitment, proper training and appropriate retention methods should ensure that enough qualified staff is available at each school.
  • Accessibility – all children should have equal access to school services regardless of gender, race, religion, ethnicity or socio-economic status. Efforts should be made to ensure the inclusion of marginalized groups including children of refugees, the homeless or those with disabilities. There should be no forms of segregation or denial of access to any students. This includes ensuring that proper laws are in place against any child labour or exploitation to prevent children from obtaining primary or secondary education. Schools must be within a reasonable distance for children within the community, otherwise transportation should be provided to students, particularly those that might live in rural areas, to ensure ways to school are safe and convenient. Education should be affordable to all, with textbooks, supplies and uniforms provided to students at no additional costs.
  • Acceptability – the quality of education provided should be free of discrimination, relevant and culturally appropriate for all students. Students should not be expected to conform to any specific religious or ideological views. Methods of teaching should be objective and unbiased and material available should reflect a wide array of ideas and beliefs. Health and safety should be emphasized within schools including the elimination of any forms of corporal punishment. Professionalism of staff and teachers should be maintained.

Adaptability – educational programs should be flexible and able to adjust according to societal changes and the needs of the community. Observance of religious or cultural holidays should be respected by schools in order to accommodate students, along with providing adequate care to those students with disabilities.

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 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:1. We are all



The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

1. We are all free and equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.

2. Don’t discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.

3. The right to life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.

4. No slavery – past and present. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.

5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.

6. We all have the same right to use the law. I am a person just like you!

7. We are all protected by the law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.

8. Fair treatment by fair courts. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.

9. No unfair detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without a good reason and keep us there, or to send us away from our country.

10. The right to trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public. The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.



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  1. Try to understand that we all have to face problems and they are all going to be solved.Remember that everything happens for a reason and with an intention, and that intention is to teach you a lesson
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some ways to Make your life better


Ignore the goal of becoming ‘well-rounded

 Speak slower. The less you say, the smarter you sound. 

 Live without expectations

 Learn to say “yes.”

 Become less political

Make your own coffee


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By:- Syeda Tayyaba Raana

Respect is both given and received. We expect other people to respect us in return for the respect we show them. Respect is also something that is earned by the standards of the particular society in which one lives. Respect cannot be measured as a quantity, cannot be bought or traded, it is one of those things that is earned and built over time, but that can be lost with one stupid or inconsiderate act. One can ask or beg for respect, but only others can bestow us with respect as a result of their perceived treatment by us. Continued caring interactions are then required to maintain or increase that original earned respect.

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Ways to Respect Your Teacher


By:- Syeda Tayyaba Raana

Though some students may feel that certain teachers are “out to get them,” that is not really the case. Sometimes our own behavior plays a key role in how people treat us, and if we ourselves are not showing the proper respect, how can we expect it from our teachers? Teachers provide us with lifelong lessons that are valuable to our futures, and deserve the utmost respect from their students. By following some of these suggestions, students will be able to see if they are treating their teachers with respect.

Be on Time

  • This is particularly true for high school or college students. Showing up late to every single class gives the impression that a student simply does not care. Being on time and ready to learn shows the teacher that the student is there and interested in what they have to present, thus showing respect for the teacher and the class.

Raise Your Hand

  • It may seem silly at times to always have to raise your hand if you want to be heard, but think about it from a teacher’s perspective. They need to have a system in place to make sure that 30 students are not talking all at once. Therefore, the considerate thing to do as a student is to raise your hand and wait to be called upon.

Listen and Follow Instructions

  • No one likes to repeat themselves, especially 30 times, so always make sure that you listen and follow instructions. Sometimes people do miss a word or two and that is understandable, but it is not acceptable if a student is busy talking and not paying attention. There are plenty of places to relax and have fun, but the classroom is not one of them–and choosing to ignore a teacher’s instructions shows that a student does not wish to be a part of the class. If students wish to show a teacher the proper respect, they will follow directions, complete activities correctly and raise their hands if they have questions.

Bring in Your Homework

  • Repeatedly not bringing in assigned work also gives the impression that the student does not care about the class. A good, respectful student will always be ready with their homework when the teacher requests it. Sometimes difficulties occur that prevent an assignment, and often it is a good idea to talk with the teacher and let them know why an assignment was not completed. If such a situation happens, always tell the truth and ask for any tutoring if needed
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The Respect for Woman in Islam

By:- Syeda Tayyaba Raana
Hazrat Muhammad (P.BU.H) Quotes about Women
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised men: “The best amongst you, are the best for their wives, and I am the best of you for my wives.” (Tirmidhi)
The husband’s possessions are his wife’s trust. She needs to safeguard his property and possessions.
Abu Hurairah (May Allaah be pleased with him) reported :
Messenger of ALLAH (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said :
“Take my advice with regard to women : Act kindly towards women , for they were created from a rib, and the most crooked part of a rib is its uppermost . If you attempt to straighten it ; you will break it, and if you leave it alone it will remain crooked ; so act kindly toward women “.[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Better Husband and Wife Relationship

Allah described marriage very differently in the Quran: “He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts).” (Al-Quran 30:21)

“…And they (women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them in a just manner…” Holy Qur’an (2: 228)
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Respect Others And Their Time


By:- Syeda Tayyaba Raana

Remember the “Golden Rule” … “The one with the gold makes the rules.” No, just kidding … a little joke there. The real “Golden Rule” states, “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.”  That means, treat others as you would like them to treat you. When it comes to others around you, it is imperative that you respect them and the time that they have to work with.

As a society, we have fallen into an endless cycle where we are constantly putting ourselves on a schedule or trying to beat the clock. There are so many things that you want to get done, however there are only so many hours within each day where you can reach your goal. When it comes to others around you, it is imperative that you respect them and the time that they have to work with. After all, your schedule is not the same as everyone else’s and it is important that you look for ways to work around time issues that will be able to benefit everyone.

But, how can respecting others and their time contribute to the level of success you want to achieve? Keep in mind that success is a team sport and you will many times need the help of others to accomplish a goal or project. If you always are treating people with respect including their time, people will be more than thrilled to lend a hand. There is nothing a busy mover and shaker hates then someone to waste their time. Awareness is the best way to remember to respect others.

“Our attitude toward others determines their attitude towards us.”

~ Earl Nightingale

Stop for a moment and give some thought to how often you find yourself procrastinating when you should be doing something else. Perhaps you are working on a project with someone or for someone, but you have a strong lack of motivation or inspiration that is holding you back. You have to think about the person who is waiting for you to finish whatever it is that you are working on. They probably have a schedule as well and they are depending on you to get finished in a timely manner. A deadline is a deadline and you have to respect yourself as well as others and their time.

In business if you set an appointment with someone be on time, don’t be late. Being late only upsets the other person, but it also throws off their entire schedule. Also, it will make it extremely difficult to win back that persons respect and prolong or even eliminate any chance of doing business with them. If an emergency does arise or for some reason you can’t make the appointment be courteous enough to call the person and let them know you will be unable to make it and need to reschedule. They will appreciate it and the relationship will remain strong.

“Time equals life;

therefore, waste your time and waste of your life,

or master your time and master your life.”

~Alan Lakein

Respecting others also means not picking on or making fun of others. Nobody respects a person who gossips or talks about someone behind their back. If you have a challenge or troubling situation with someone talking about it to someone else who can’t do anything about it won’t help the outcome. It is always best to show the person some respect and approach them individually to discuss the problem. No matter what the result they will respect you for keeping it between the two of you.

Plus, keep your promises and commitments, the quickest way to lose the respect of others is to renege on promises and break commitments. Your attitude and the way you think about and treat others will most certainly be a factor in you achieving success in your life. Again, life is a team sport and you can’t do it alone, but if you don’t respect others and their time eventually nobody is going to want to play on your team.

“Think first-class about everyone around you and you’ll receive first-class results in return.”

~ David J. Schwartz, PH.D

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Respect the others privacy


By:- Syeda Tayyaba Raana

Respect Others’ Private Spaces, Thoughts, and Words

We all have private spaces, thoughts, and words that are ours alone, and the ethics of privacy demand that others respect those rights. Of course, we need to expect their rights, too. While there are many laws in place to ensure that people’s secrets remain secret, there are also strong ethical arguments in favor of respecting others’ right to privacy

All our lives we have been taught to respect each other’s privacy, but then where do these manners disappear as we grow older? Why do we forget the values are parents instill in us as children? Shouldn’t we apply them in our lives even more at a later age?

We have been taught not to look in a girl’s bag without her permission, we have been taught not to answer someone’s phone or read their text messages without their approval or peek into someone’s personal conversations on the computer. Some people even have a bad habit of eaves dropping on a highly personal conversation

Some parents also have a habit of being meddlesome. They will go through their child’s conversations with friends on their cell phones and computers, they will have their servants spy on their children and report back to them, and at times parents themselves follow the children to see what they are up to regardless of their age.

It is not only the parents who invade ones privacy but most offices and work places too. The senior bosses make it a point to thoroughly interrogate their employees and acquire relevant and irrelevant information about them.

Some organizations also stalk their employees on Facebook to enquire about their personal lives which is highly unnecessary. In most offices certain software’s are also used to literally spy on the workers and gain access to the website they click on and whom they talk to including the entire personal conversation that takes place, without informing them. How unethical is this? To know if your employees are doing their work is important but by invading their privacy is wrong.

Even teachers have been known to penalize their students because of their social media interaction.

When such invasions of privacy take place at these levels, then how do we as a society combat the invasion that the government subjects us to. Sometimes it feels like the novel 1984 by George Orwell’s was written about the present times.

How many of you disagree with security camera’s that are used to keep an eye on the employees? Do you think parents need to give children their space or not? Do you think monitoring ones personal conversations without their knowing is ethical or unethical?

Some parents also have a habit of being meddlesome. They will go through their child’s conversations with friends on their cell phones and computers, they will have their servants spy on their children and report back to them, and at times parents themselves follow the children to see what they are up to regardless of their age.

It is not only the parents who invade ones privacy but most offices and work places too. The senior bosses make it a point to thoroughly interrogate their employees and acquire relevant and irrelevant information about them.

Some organizations also stalk their employees on Facebook to enquire about their personal lives which is highly unnecessary. In most offices certain software’s are also used to literally spy on the workers and gain access to the website they click on and whom they talk to including the entire personal conversation that takes place, without informing them. How unethical is this? To know if your employees are doing their work is important but by invading their privacy is wrong.

Even teachers have been known to penalize their students because of their social media interaction.

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Respecting Different Cultures


By:- Syeda Tayyaba Raana

1. Culture is not homogeneous – “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” Values differ from one culture to the next. For example, people of the western world shake everybody’s hands – be they an elder or toddler. As a contrast to this, the Yoruba people find it offensive to shake the hands of elders. If you are a stranger to these cultures, it takes some time to learn and understand their customs.

2. People living together in a society share culture.

Almost all people living in the United States share the English language, dress in similar styles, eat many of the same foods, and celebrate many of the same holidays. The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert are almost naked and hunt animals for food.
All the people of a society collectively create and maintain culture. Societies preserve culture for much longer than the life of any one person. They preserve it in the form of knowledge such as scientific discoveries, objects like works of art, and traditions like the observance of holidays.

3. Culture is revered. Many peoples of the world cherish their cultural heritage and believe that it, in itself, has a great deal of value. It is important enough to be a subject of controversy in our daily lives. Americans say that the British are too conservative. Eastern Europeans blame Western Europe’s love of capitalism for many problems. It is like a god. Adored by all and sundry.

Always respect other’s culture if you want that other respect your culture.

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