Habits that Will Make You Happier, Healthier & Way More Likeable..by Hafsa khan


Happiness — I want it, you want it, we all want it. Just the fact that you’re reading The Change Blog means that you and I are on a similar path—seeking for those nuggets of wisdom that will bring us more peace, joy, and personal fulfillment.

After having owned a businesses for about 10 years in the swimming pool industry, a little over a year ago I commenced a new quest in life to satiate my need to teach and help as many possible to achieve their full potential. This is also why I asked Peter if I could contribute a guest post to The Change Blog. So if you’re looking for ‘change’, if you want more joy and fulfillment out of life, here are 7 qualities that, for me, have made all the difference:

1. See the World in the Form of a Question

Whether you are looking to make new friends, achieve success with a client, or even raise your general awareness—the skill of asking questions has in many ways been lost in our society. We’re so busy to tell, tell, tell that we forget to ask, ask, ask. And as we all know, the only way to become a great ‘learner’ is to ask questions. Questions resolve concerns. Questions elevate personal relationships. They also at times force us to take a different perspective and possibly stretch ourselves to uncharted waters. So learn to have an ‘ask first tell second’ personality and I can promise you the results will be profound.

2. Give Specific Feedback/Compliments

We’ve all heard that learning to give compliments to others has a powerful impact on personal relationships. But for those that truly want to take compliments to another level the key is to learn specificity. For example, which statement would you rather hear from someone else?

I really enjoyed your blog article today.


I was blown away with the story you shared in your blog article about the time you……That story very much resonated with me and I’ve decided to take action because of it!

See the difference? Both statements expressed approval of a blog article, yet the first statement likely made the author smile a little while the second brought about a huge grin. This is the power of specificity and is a critical key to happiness, especially in dealing with friends and loved ones.

3. Don’t Just Let Go of Your Physical Health

I see it all the time. Guys and gals (including many bloggers) attain great monetary success in work but all of the sudden they’re out of shape, overweight, and struggling with self-image. Knowing my busy schedule as a business owner and father of 4, a year ago I bought an elliptical and put it in my basement so that I wouldn’t have to include ‘going to the gym’ into my extremely busy schedule. The results? I’ve worked out 1 hour a day since buying the machine, never missing a workout, and I weigh less now than I did in high school. (and feel great too!)

4. Give Value to Others at Every Turn

Wow has the internet been a blessing in this area. Now, more than ever, you and I can meet and help people on a large-scale basis because of the beauty of technology. Some of the greatest success I’ve been able to achieve in these last year has come because of stories, articles, and mentions I’ve made praising other people and companies. As Chris Brogan says, we should mention (talk about) other people 12 times to every 1 mention of ourselves if we really want to give value and build relationships.

5. Smile Unrelenting

I know, I know, we’ve heard it before: We should smile often. But as the old saying goes, ‘common sense is often quite uncommon.’ Seriously though, are you the person in your group of friends or workplace that is known as ‘Mr. or Ms. Positive’ or are you the person that everyone sees as having a cloud over your head 24/7? I used to have a problem of not smiling enough. For me, it wasn’t that I was unhappy, it was just that I have the tendency to look serious when I’m focused on a task. Since identifying this problem (people kept telling me to lighten up) I try to carry a smile with me in all situations, and wow has this made an incredible difference. So smile often. Lighten up every room you enter. Not only will you be happier, but many will file in line with you as well.

6. Stop Trying to Find Your Passion

Let me be the first to say that I’m all about ‘finding your passion’. But the problem with most people is that they get so wrapped up in ‘finding themselves’ or ‘finding their passion’ that they forget how this discovery is actually made: By Living Passionately. In other words, if you want to find out where your true passions lie, stop looking and simply start living everything you do throughout the day with passion and zeal. By so doing, self-discovery will come naturally and easily.

7. Surround Yourself with Greatness

I simply can’t stress this one enough. Everyone needs a mentor. And we certainly all need great friends. I would be a completely different person and be on a completely different path than I’m on today had I not had people and friends in my life that helped correct my course when I got off track. I’ve learned over the years that it’s important that we not only find these friends but we learn to depend and lean on them when necessary. As others lift us up, and as we reciprocate this action, the friendships we’ll form will truly be amazing.

So there are 7 keys to health and happiness that have completely changed my life over the past year. But what about you? What are your thoughts and what would you add to the list?

Posted in Technology

Change our life……. Posted by Hafsa Khan


“Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau

Many people feel trapped in the life they are leading, unable to change course. They feel frustrated, lonely, stressed, discouraged, unfulfilled or simply just bored.

Can you relate to any of these feelings? I certainly can. There have been times over the years when I’ve struggled with feeling stuck.

The good news is that you don’t have to live life this way. You have options. You may not see these right now, but I promise you they exist.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

Posted in Technology

Chapter # 11: Lung Cancer by Bushra Sarwar

Initial Symptoms of Lung Cancer

1) Presistant Cough
2) Difficulty  in breathing
3) Bronchitis or pneumonia in large frequency
4) Knee Pain
5) Fatigue
8) Decrease in appitite
9) Weightloss without specfic cause
10) Depression
11)Back and shoulder pain
12)coughing up blood
13)A hoarse voice
Note: Some times it diagnose accidentally with chest x-ray or CT-scan
without ant sypmtoms in 25% cases

Causes of Lung Cancer

1) Cigaratte Smoking plays vital role for developing lung cancer

2) TB and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can also lead a person towards lung cancer
3) Radon gas is also an significant factor of Lung cancer
4) Those whoes work involves expouer of  arsenic, chromium, nickel, aromatic hydrocarbons also have chances to develop lung cancer
5) Water which contain arsenic, chromium and nickel especially for smokers can be the cause.

Home treatment for Lung cancer

1) Home made dry Dandelions root’s powder with water or fresh orange juice

2) Use of astragalus, ginger, turmeric and thyme is effective.
3) Asian ginseng is also dood in Lund Cancer4)Pomegranate Juice5) Lots of Apple6) White Graprfruit7)Like Apple grapefruit contains naringin and querceyin , they are helpful in treatment of lung cancer

8)Cauliflower and Broccoli


Handful of Thulasi
Small Onions
One spoon of coriander seeds – Mali – Pounded
One-Two Spoon Pounded Pepper
Karipatti/Brown Sugar
Two cup of water
Mix all ingredients and bring to boil Strain and get it into your nostrils while smelling
Sip slowly
10) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables Like
sweet potatoes
dark leafy greens
Note: Use home remedies for cancer but not underestimate the importance of qualified healthcare professional, it is primary source for for your better health.
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Posted in fitness, Health

Chapter # 10:Health Benefits Of Honey by Bushra Sarwar


  • Honey Slows Aging.
  • Honey is Anti-Cancer.
  • It is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
  • Good for cough and throat irritation.
  • Honey can be a powerful immune system booster.
  • Its use reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders.It’s antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve digestive system and help you stay healthy andfight diseaseUse of honey is good for the Prevention of  cancer and heart disease.
  • Honey may help heal your cuts and burns .Some research shows that the topical application of honey on minor tomoderate wounds is good for healing
  • images
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Posted in fitness, Health

Chapter # 9:BIGGEST BRAIN DAMAGING HABITS by Bushra Sarwar


BIGGEST BRAIN DAMAGING HABITS according to world health organization

1. No Breakfast – People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration !!

2. Overeating – It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power !!

3. Smoking – It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease !!

4. High Sugar consumption – Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development !!

5. Air Pollution – The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency !!

6. Sleep Deprivation – Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells !!

7. Working your brain during illness – Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain !!

8. Lacking in stimulating thoughtsThinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage !!

9. Talking Rarely – Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain !!

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Posted in fitness, Health



Posted in Technology

 Most women across the globe rely on the informal



Most women across the globe rely on the informal work sector for an income. If women were empowered to do more and be more, the possibility for economic growth becomes apparent. Eliminating a significant part of a nation’s work force on the sole basis of gender can have detrimental effects on the economy of that nation. In addition, female participation in counsels, groups, and businesses is seen to increase efficiency.

Posted in Technology

 Most women across the globe rely on the informal



Most women across the globe rely on the informal work sector for an income. If women were empowered to do more and be more, the possibility for economic growth becomes apparent. Eliminating a significant part of a nation’s work force on the sole basis of gender can have detrimental effects on the economy of that nation. In addition, female participation in counsels, groups, and businesses is seen to increase efficiency.

Posted in Technology

 Malala is now where she wants to be:



Malala is now where she wants to be: back in school. The Taliban almost made Malala a martyr; they succeeded in making her a symbol. The memoir she is writing to raise awareness about the 61 million children around the world who are not in school indicates she accepts that unasked-for responsibility as a synonym for courage and a champion for girls everywhere

Posted in Technology

 To be born free means that all people have an



To be born free means that all people have an equal right to freedom. But freedom does not mean that we can do anything we want, nor can freedom for some mean limiting the freedom of others. Though we are born free, we live in a community that functions because there is an understanding among its members; in other words, it has rules and requires responsibilities.

Posted in Technology

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